--[J'azana Mitu]--

Alchemist | Voidsent disliker

- Mitu Mixtures!-
She owns and manages a potion/alcohol business, selling exotic bottles for a rather high price, perhaps you've heard of her business or heard her peddling her wares in the gold court.
She's a Head alchemist for the free company she belongs to, with a head full of grand ideas; she offers her wares to anyone who asks, and anyone who gives her a problem to solve with a potion, capable of brewing harmful poisons, healing salves or everything in-between!
-Ul'dah native-
She spent most of her life roaming and peddling chemical wares to anyone she could come across in the sandstone streets of the jewel of the desert, maybe you've seen her go on long tangents talking about her 'high quality' wares?
-Barricaded aether-
Due to alchemical experimentation done during her youth, she has the unique ability of being unable to draw aether freely, unable to begin to cast spells or teleport without latching onto another body.
All of this might be noticed by someone with aethersight.
-Novice Gunbreaker-
To overcome her aetherical weakness, she pooled what little profits she had made and bought and commissioned a gunblade! forged with some rather odd materials, though without a proper teacher her techniques are haphazard at best.

OOCHi!! I'm Dusk, i'm an adult, I'm on the crystal data centre in Balmung.Unfortunately I'm situated in the UK though my current job and goblin-like sleep schedule makes it pretty hard to get on consistently.I expect all characters and players to be adults (18+) without any weirdness regarding this aspect, while I'm open to all types of characters, I have zero tolerance for anything regarding minors.If you're worried about something then just send me a tell and ask <3